Group Checklist

  1. Decide which art projects you'll create individually and/or as a class or group. Inspiration Island at the Procession Community Art Studio has lots of pictures and ideas. 

  2. Gather recycled materials of all kinds from home or wherever to use for your project. 

  3. Come to one or more community art or music workshops to learn new techniques and get ideas for your classroom art projects. Especially how to use music and/or movement. 

  4. Register your group for the Procession by the Saturday before so we get an idea of how many will be there. You can pick up registration forms at the Community Art Studio or contact us.

  5. Notify parents of your plans and get signed permission slips/waivers from all students. Enlist a parent as the Procession liaison to communicate important info to all other parents. 

  6. Make sure group members know what to do and where to go if they get LOST or separated from the group. 

  7. Determine your post-Procession meeting place. A parent could be the "anchor" at this location to help collect everybody afterwards. Be sure all students and parents know the location. 

  8. Remember no written words anywhere, even on t-shirts. 

  9. Questions? Contact Earthbound Productions.

  10. Have fun!