How to Participate in the Procession
Participation Rules - We Only Have Three!
The three rules inspire, nourish, and protect the Procession's cultural evolution of imagination, creation, and sharing.
No written or spoken words. We use no words, symbols or lyrics in our art, music or dance.
No pets or live animals. We have no live animals in the Procession, with the exception of Service Animals.
No motorized vehicles. We do not motorize our creations which includes the use of musical amplification. Of course, a motorized wheelchair is certainly permitted.
Participation Policies
You are responsible for ensuring that your materials, costumes, and/or structures are safe and secure against high winds, inclement weather, or other event conditions.
You are responsible for removal of your own materials, costumes, and/or structures from the Procession route and the Community Art Studio as soon as possible at the end of the Procession. Otherwise, they will be disposed of.
You agree to hold harmless Earthbound Productions from all liability related to your participation in activities or events, including damages to property, theft, or personal injury or loss.
Earthbound Productions reserves the right to prohibit any material, costume, or structure which is in conflict with the intention of its events to increase the appreciation and understanding of the natural world and promote environmental protection. Earthbound strongly requests that participants refrain from using identifiable animal skins or fur since the Procession is a celebration of life and such displays frequently generate far more confusion than empathy for the loss of species. The Procession is a family event, therefore, nudity or sexually suggestive behavior is strictly prohibited.
If the aforementioned policies are not adhered to, Earthbound Productions reserves the right to immediately request the removal of the violator from the Community Art Studio, the Procession of the Species Celebration, the Luminary Procession, or any other Earthbound sponsored event.